Logistics Committee
The logistics committee is responsible for coordinating the activities between schools, students, medical lab personnel and DFYIT. It shall solicit hospitals, clinics and other institutions who are candidates for conducting drug tests, and negotiate minimum costs and/or maximum costs per test, to include donation of service. It is also responsible for such supplies as: ID cards, forms, printing, publicity, etc. The same committee will also be responsible for distributing the supplies and materials to participating schools. Logistics between the School District and DFYIT will be coordinated with the District Superintendent's designated party.
EXAMPLE: See sample copy (s) of the type of forms needed participating schools.
Membership applications
Parental consent/release
Collection procedure
Drug Screen Requisition
Membership card
Public Service announcement
Cost To Students -- there should be no cost to students or the School District for participating in the DFYIT program. Any expense or cost should come from donations and funds raised through solicitation by DFYIT to the general public, various governmental agencies, and from funds raised through the sale of banners, bumper stickers, or other special events.
Urine Testing -- written permission must be obtained from parents for any student under 18 years of age. The Local Student Board will be responsible for assisting medical personnel in the collection of applications, parent permission slips and the administration involved in the DFYIT program's urine collection facility.
Our initial recommendation is to test for the drugs most commonly used, i.e. Marijuana, Cocaine, PCP, and Amphetamines.
Drug tests performed in qualified laboratories by qualified personnel are generally 97% to 100% accurate. However, DFYIT program performs a second test on any urine sample that initially comes back positive for abused drugs. Only if both tests are positive is a student informed that his or her sample is positive, therefore ineligible for membership in DFYIT. and referred into the free counseling program.
All test results are confidential and if a test result is positive, the school counselor will meet with the student for counseling and/or refer to the appropriate treatment center. Students are always given a second opportunity after the first test is positive. Counseling is available if a student fails the test twice. Requirements for re-entering are determined by each local chapter of DFYIT.
The test results are maintained by an entity independent of the School District to insure students privacy. Therefore, records will not be available to the public or law enforcement agencies. The goal of DFYIT is to eliminate drug use, not to prosecute drug abusers.
Testing for alcohol is not a part of the program. Policies on alcohol should be determined by members of the Local Student Board and the Adult Advisors.
PURPOSE: To coordinate the activities between schools, students, and D-FY-IT
A. Develop list of hospital, clinics and other institutions who will conduct tests
B. Develop written committee policies and procedures
C. Develop budget
D. Design mobile unit
E. RFQ - testing vehicle
F. Shirts
G. Caps
H. Bumper-stickers
I. Pins
J. Plaques
K. Establish voluntary counseling program
L. Organize committee members
M. Solicit testing facilities, negotiate minimum costs and/or maximum costs per test, and donation of service.
N. Develop a brochure that lists all the participating institutions for urine tests, the cost, locations and any other information individual schools will need regarding the logistics of getting a urine test.